1982-1985 第一屆(創社) 沈雅利
1985-1987 第二屆 溫錦蘭
1987-1989 第三屆 張家麗
1989-1991 第四屆 鍾香華
1991-1993 第五屆 張蔡美
1993-1995 第六屆 王春燕
1995-1997 第七屆 姚舜倩
1997-1998 第八屆 吳美齡
1998-1999 第九屆 邱碧秀
1999-2000 第十屆 謝維文
2000-2001 第十一屆 戴曉影
2001-2002 第十二屆 魏金蘭
2002-2004 第十三屆 苑芝珊
2004-2006 第十四屆 周淑惠
2006-2008 第十五屆 莊玉美
2008-2010 第十六屆 陳雪娥
2010-2012 第十七屆 陳淑珠
2012-2014 第十八屆 羅翊寧
2014-2016 第十九屆 陳明珠
2016-2017 第二十屆 管玉華
2017-2018 第廿一屆 洪春涼
2018-2019 第廿二屆 賴月雪
2019-2020 第廿三屆 舒玉瑛
2020-2021 第廿四屆 夏慕梅
2021-2022 第廿五屆 林秀俐
2022-2024 第廿六屆 王美萱
新竹社本著國際崇她宗旨,一向以提昇婦女地位、增進婦幼福祉、服務社會公益為目標,辦理多項相關公益活動以及社員成長、聯誼活動等。曾二度獲選為國際崇她26區傑出社的榮譽,並有多位社友先後擔任31區及中華民國總社要職。2008年中華民國由26區獨立出來成立31區,首任總監2006-2008年由新竹社邱碧秀社姐擔任。本社活力旺盛,積極拓展崇她組織與發展對外關係。在積極輔導下,先後成立高中青年社(Z-Club)、大學青年社(Golden Z Club)與苗栗社,及都會社,傳遞提昇婦女地位與福祉之理念。
1. 在貧困區里發放白米、毛毯、食用油等民生必需品。
2. 舉辦募款餐會,為泰北中國難民營兒童籌措學費。
3. 舉辦募款餐會,為社區圖書室購置書籍。
4. 捐贈電腦及英文書籍給菲律賓馬尼拉街童收容中心;並捐款馬尼拉崇她社為防制家暴所成立之婦幼庇護中心。
5. 捐贈書籍給青年輟學生之中途之家。
6. 舉辦婦女社團博覽會,為提昇婦女地位,相互觀摩與鼓勵。
7. 捐贈偏遠山區兒童早餐。
8. 舉辦各項音樂會及研討會為弱勢發聲。
9. 舉辦義賣捐贈弱勢團體。
王春燕 區提名委員會委員長
邱碧秀 分區監督、總監
姚舜倩 分區監督
謝維文 國際章程及決議委員會委員長
謝維文 2018~2020國際崇她31區副總監
1. 在貧困區里發放白米、毛毯、食用油等民生必需品。
2. 舉辦募款餐會,為泰北中國難民營兒童籌措學費。
3. 舉辦募款餐會,為社區圖書室購置書籍。
4. 捐贈電腦及英文書籍給菲律賓馬尼拉街童收容中心;並捐款馬尼拉崇她社為防制家暴所成立之婦幼庇護中心。
5. 捐贈書籍給青年輟學生之中途之家。
6. 舉辦婦女社團博覽會,為提昇婦女地位,相互觀摩與鼓勵。
7. 捐贈偏遠山區兒童早餐。
8. 舉辦各項音樂會及研討會為弱勢發聲。
9. 舉辦義賣捐贈弱勢團體。
王春燕 區提名委員會委員長
邱碧秀 分區監督、總監
姚舜倩 分區監督
謝維文 國際章程及決議委員會委員長
謝維文 2018~2020國際崇她31區副總監
謝維文 2020-2022國際崇她31區總監
History of Zonta Club of Hsin Chu
Zonta Club of Hsin Chu was founded in 1983 as the 8th Zonta club in Taiwan, with Ya-Li Shen acting as the charter president. Members included medical doctors, school teachers, professional managers and business owners.
In 1996 Hsin Chu Zonta formed the first Z club of District 26 which was composed of Taiwan, Japan and Korea. In 2003, it sponsored, organized and monitored (SOM) the 16th club to be established in Taiwan- Zonta Club of Miao Li. And the club formed a Golden Z club at the same year.
In order to fostering friendships between Zontians, Hsin Chu Zonta established sisterhood relations with Zonta Club of Fukuai, Japan.
Over the past 30 years, the club has organized various activities and events to help people in need, especially women and children. Some examples are as follows,
1. Sending rice and blankets to the poor in Hsin Chu City.
2. Fundraising for the yearly educational expenses to Chinese refugees' children in Northern Thailand.
3. Fundraising for supporting the community libraries to purchase books.
4. Donating funds to a shelter for women victims of domestic violence and sending used computers and books to a care center of street children in Manila, the Philippines.
5. Donating books to the Half-Way House for School Drop-outs.
6. Providing milks to school childen in remote mountain areas.
7. Organizing charitable bazaars for the under-privileged.
8. Hosting concerts and forums for promoting the status of women.
9. Continuous donating to the international service projects of the Zonta International Foundation. 100% of the membership contributing to the Foundation every year since 2008.
As of May, 2014, the number of the club members is 34.
Zonta Club of Hsin Chu was founded in 1983 as the 8th Zonta club in Taiwan, with Ya-Li Shen acting as the charter president. Members included medical doctors, school teachers, professional managers and business owners.
In 1996 Hsin Chu Zonta formed the first Z club of District 26 which was composed of Taiwan, Japan and Korea. In 2003, it sponsored, organized and monitored (SOM) the 16th club to be established in Taiwan- Zonta Club of Miao Li. And the club formed a Golden Z club at the same year.
In order to fostering friendships between Zontians, Hsin Chu Zonta established sisterhood relations with Zonta Club of Fukuai, Japan.
Over the past 30 years, the club has organized various activities and events to help people in need, especially women and children. Some examples are as follows,
1. Sending rice and blankets to the poor in Hsin Chu City.
2. Fundraising for the yearly educational expenses to Chinese refugees' children in Northern Thailand.
3. Fundraising for supporting the community libraries to purchase books.
4. Donating funds to a shelter for women victims of domestic violence and sending used computers and books to a care center of street children in Manila, the Philippines.
5. Donating books to the Half-Way House for School Drop-outs.
6. Providing milks to school childen in remote mountain areas.
7. Organizing charitable bazaars for the under-privileged.
8. Hosting concerts and forums for promoting the status of women.
9. Continuous donating to the international service projects of the Zonta International Foundation. 100% of the membership contributing to the Foundation every year since 2008.
As of May, 2014, the number of the club members is 34.
分社幹部 Club Officers
國際崇她31區健康路跑 慶祝105歲生日&倡議活動
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2024-09-12(四) -
2024-09-11(三) -
2024-09-09(一) -
國際崇她31區 2024-2026領導團隊訓練
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2024-09-06(五) -
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