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活動時間:2021-01-09(六) / 31區

2021 年1 月9 日國際崇她31 區、高雄育萱社及高雄市東協經貿文化交流協會,假台灣高雄市合辦[崇她愛滿新民]活動,由國際崇她31 區謝維文總監及高雄育萱社蔡菽卉社長共同主持,邀請高雄市政府社會局及觀光局長官蒞臨指導,來自台灣各地的崇她社員及高雄地區新住民共100 多人共聚一堂,場面熱鬧溫馨。
國際崇她以提倡兩性平權、關懷婦幼教育為服務宗旨,除向新住民獻上關懷與協助外, 活動後全體參加社員身著橘色T-Shirt,共同喊出{崇她向暴力說不},以行動倡議,增進社會對兩性平權之重視。

Zonta Gives Love To Taiwanese New Immigrants

On January 9, 2021 Zonta International District 31, Kaohsiung Yu-Hsiuan Club and Kaohsiung ASEAN Economic, Trade and Cultural Exchange Association jointly held the“Zonta Gives Love To Taiwanese New Immigrants”event in Kaohsiung City, Taiwan.
District 31 Governor Vivienne Shen and Kaohsiung Yu-Hsiuan Club President Sophia Tsai co-hosted the event and invited the Kaohsiung City Government Social Affairs and Tourism Bureau superiors to participate and gave supports. Members from Taiwan’s Zonta Club and the new immigrant residents of Kaohsiung happily gathered together.
During the event, three new Immigrant~former legislator Lin Li-Chan, Pingtong University lecturer Nguyen Thi-Zhen, and Ms.Zuo Yu-Fang, shared their life experience and the journey of starting their business in Taiwan, which was both touching and admiring. Dance performance and lunch box made by the new immigrants from Indonesia and Vietnam, all got worm appreciation. Through this activity, Zontians of District 31 got more awareness about the life of the new immigrants in Taiwan and the education process of their children.
Zonta Club of Taiwan hoping to make small effort and care to enhance the self-confidence of the new immigrants and make Taiwan more harmony through the integration of foreign and diverse cultures.
In addition to offering care and assistance to the new immigrants, after the event, all Zontians wore orange T-shirts marched and shouted out {Zonta Says No To Violence Against Women} , taking action to increase the society's attention for gender-based equality.


  • 崇她愛滿新民

  • 新住民林麗蟬前立委經驗分享

  • 謝維文總監接受新住民廣播者阮氏貞專訪

  • 崇她社員於高雄駁二特區遊行並宣導崇她向暴力說不