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January 2025 Leadership Update

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In the first days of the fresh year 2025 I am filled with hope and determination for the exciting Zonta journey ahead. I am eager to see what the new year will bring to Zonta and Zontians as well as to the women and girls of the world. I know that Zonta will continue to walk the talk of our mission. Our commitment to building a better world for women and girls remains unwavering, and together, we have the power to make a significant impact also this year. We will tirelessly work to reach our ambitious biennial goals with meaningful and determined work. By working together, we can create lasting change and inspire future generations. Let’s make this also a year of fun with purpose – we enjoy working together and creating the very special Zonta Spirit. We will also make sustainable choices for women and girls of the globe and therefore the whole humankind as well as for Zonta and the Mother Earth and we speak up for the human right of women and girls. Let’s do it!


I hope 2025 will be excellent for you, for Zonta and for gender equality!

Warm regards,

Salla Tuominen


Items to cover in your next club meeting or newsletter

Looking ahead, these are a few items you may wish to discuss with

your club:

  • Access the recordings from the Zonta Says NO to Violence Against Women Online Summit It is not too late to purchase the summit recordings. Hear from three inspiring speakers who shared their unique insights and expertise. Expand your knowledge of gender-based violence and join the movement to take action today. Click here to purchase the recordings or, sign into EventBrite if you purchased an event ticket.
  • Aerospace Advancements in Your Daily Life: Amelia Earhart Month panel In honor of Amelia Earhart Month, we invite you to a panel on 16 January with three Amelia Earhart Fellows to hear how their work in the aerospace industry has impacted our daily lives. Click here to register for the free webinar.
  • New educational awards information Keep an eye on the Zonta International website for new award information coming this month. Promote the awards and expand opportunities for women in your communities.
  • Discuss how your club will celebrate International Women’s Day This is the day to discuss Zonta’s aim for reaching gender equality, advocate for women in decision-making positions and emphasize Zonta’s commitment and activity in the United Nations, African Union and Council of Europe. What would be the topic your club would like to discuss and make known locally and social media?

District and Club Affiliation Agreements

Work started in the 2020-2022 Biennium to have all districts and clubs sign affiliation agreements with Zonta International; however, the work was never completed. All districts and clubs who have not already signed an affiliation agreement will need to do so. Please watch for further communications per the following timeline.

• 15 January: Email to governors with instructions to sign and return district affiliation agreement.


• 28 February: Deadline for districts to return district affiliation agreement to ZI Headquarters.


• 5 March: Email to club presidents with instructions to sign and return club affiliation agreement.

• 15 May: Deadline for clubs to return club affiliation agreement to ZI Headquarters.

CSW69/Beijing+30 Conversation Circles

CSW69 is just two months away, taking place from 10–21 March 2025 in New York and virtually. Please encourage members to do the following:


1. Participate in CSW either in person or virtually and experience another world of opportunities for making a difference through Zonta advocacy, speaking up for human rights, interesting discussions and meeting Zontians and other like-minded people around the world.


2. Sign up to receive communication from Zonta International about CSW69.


3. Participate in one of the final Conversation Circles.

4. Apply to host a Virtual Parallel Event before 21 February.


Visit the CSW webpage for more information.


Join Zonta UN Chair Pamela Morgan for her next Conversation Circle: Women in Power and Decision-Making Positions on 15 January. Links to register for the Conversation Circles are available on the Zonta International Events page.

Take Gender-Equal Climate Action NOW

There are four upcoming opportunities for you to take action for Climate Justice: 


1. Click here to register for the next Zonta Says NOW to Gender-Equal Climate Action Intercontinental Think Tank on 11 JanuaryJoin in on the conversation with fellow Zontians to share ideas about gender-equal climate action, learn from each other and be inspired to take action.


2. Click here to register for the Zonta USA Think Tank Presentation: Achieving Gender Equality with guest speaker Stevan Lynn from Men Engage Network, North America on 26 January.


3. Click here to register for the Advocacy Webinar Series - A Closer Look at Zonta Says NOW on 25 February. Zonta Says NOW to Gender-Equal Climate Action is a movement to focus on climate justice at international, national and local levels. Have you wondered how Zonta Says NOW aligns with Zonta International's Strategic Plan and biennial goals? Join us for a panel discussion with the Zonta Says NOW Working Group to learn more.


4. Submit your art to express gender-equal climate action to our Virtual Art Gallery. Submissions will be accepted until 28 February.


How will your club recognize Earth Day on 22 April? Start planning NOW!

Zonta Essentials: Participatory status – a privilege for INGOs at the Council of Europe


Since 1983, Zonta International has represented women’s rights at the Council of Europe (CoE) and, since 2003, has held participatory status alongside 320 other INGOs. This prestigious status, renewed every four years, enables INGOs to contribute to debates, decision-making and priority themes within the CoE.

Click here to read Part 3, Participatory status–a privilege for INGOs at the

Council of Europe.


Click here to read Part 2, Zonta's role as an NGO at the Council of Europe.


Click here to read Part 1, the basics of the CoE as a human rights organization.

Click the button above to donate.

Meet December's Remarkable Woman!

Meet Akosua Ombonga (Agyepong). Akosua is a 2021 Women Deliver Young Leader and advocate for women's rights and social justice. She has worked with organizations like the UNFPA and UNAIDS in Ghana. Drawing from her upbringing in a slum, Akosua uses community-centered solutions to address exploitation, poverty and trauma recovery.


Listen to Akosua's episode on the go | Youtube | Spotify | Bio

Email signature of the month

Show your Zonta Spirit by using this signature for Zonta-related emails.


1 January- 31 January: From geologists to astronauts, our Amelia Earhart Fellows are changing the world. This January, we invite you to join Zonta International as we ‘Take Space’ for Amelia Earhart Month. Learn more about our Fellowship that expands the horizons for women pursuing Ph.D./doctoral degrees in aerospace engineering and space sciences at:


Congratulations to our club anniversaries this month:

Zonta Club of Auburn,

USA, District 2

100th anniversary

Zonta Club of Stockholm II,

Sweden, District 21

70th anniversary


We applaud your efforts in advocating for the women and girls in your community and beyond. To see which other clubs are celebrating a milestone anniversary, visit Zonta News.

Shoutout to the Zonta Club of Örebro, Sweden, District 21, for hosting a panel discussion on violence in close relationships. The panel featured expert panelists who shared insights on survivor experiences, offender rehabilitation and youth-focused prevention strategies.


Thank you to all the clubs who have shared their stories! To see which other clubs made a world of difference last month, visit our Instagram page.

Important Dates

Bookmark our events page to know when important dates and events are coming up.

This Leadership Update has been distributed to club presidents and treasurers with a copy to

the district board members, foundation ambassadors, international committees,

Past International Presidents and the Zonta International Board.